‘Guildlings’ on Apple Arcade Got a Major Update Bringing New Areas, the Conclusion to the Current Story Arc, and More - Videogames Blogs

‘Guildlings’ on Apple Arcade Got a Major Update Bringing New Areas, the Conclusion to the Current Story Arc, and More

Guildlings () from Sirvo Studios is something we’ve covered loads over the years. With a lot of anticipation, the game finally released on Apple Arcade and alongside a few others on the same day bringing an interesting turn based story driven adventure game to Apple devices. It also includes an interesting text messaging system in game and has controller support. Since launch, players have been waiting for a new update to the story and that finally arrived just before the weekend so I missed it with the other Apple Arcade news. This update, which Sirvo Studios is calling the Story Update, brings a big expansion to the story that completes the current story arc. It adds new areas including thee mysterious walled garden of Lawnhenge to explore. Watch the update teaser trailer below:
Guildlings also now has a recap scene for players who are stuck at an ending and allows you to revisit previous areas to do new side quests and more. It is worth noting that this isn’t the conclusion to Guildlings as a whole. The team is taking a break now to work out how to continue Guildlings in the future. You can play Guildlings on Apple Arcade here. Check out our forum Thread for Guildlings for more discussion around the game. Don’t forget to check out our Apple Arcade forum for discussion on the service and every game included here. What do you think of Guildlings and its newest update"

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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