‘Hearthstone’ Patch 17.4 Goes Live Later Today Bringing in the Felfire Festival with Updates and Content to Battlegrounds and More - Videogames Blogs

‘Hearthstone’ Patch 17.4 Goes Live Later Today Bringing in the Felfire Festival with Updates and Content to Battlegrounds and More

Hearthstone (Free) and Battlegrounds have been getting big changes recently. The major 17.0 update brought in a new class, support for the Ashes of the Outland expansion, and a lot more. Today, Blizzard announces a big update for the game and details the Felfire Festival schedule that will be bringing in a solo adventure, Battlegrounds updates, and more. The festivities begin on June 9th in all timezones when the update goes live.

When the update goes live, 17 new minions and 3 heroes join Battlegrounds in the Pirates X Battlegrounds theme. This includes the return of Patches with a new hero power. The other heroes are Captain Eudora, Skycap’n Kragg, and Captain Hooktusk. June 17th will see the Trial by Felfire Story Adventure begin for free following the story of Aranna Starseeker. Completing it nets you a new card back. June 24th sees the Trial by Felfire challenges arrive in the Challenge Mode alongside the return of the Burndown Tavern Brawl. July sees the Rumbledome Tavern Brawl begin. Content for all of this will be added in today’s 17.4 update on all platforms. Have you been playing Hearthstone recently and what do you think of the last few expansions"
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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