‘Hearthstone: Rise of Shadows’ Is a New Expansion with 135 New Cards That Arrives on April 9th with Pre-Orders Now Live for Two Bundles - Videogames Blogs

‘Hearthstone: Rise of Shadows’ Is a New Expansion with 135 New Cards That Arrives on April 9th with Pre-Orders Now Live for Two Bundles

Blizzard’s Hearthstone (Free) has gone through a lot since it debuted on iOS and Android platforms a long time ago. After recently announcing a new year for the game, Blizzard has finally revealed the first expansion for a new storyline in Hearthstone that will expand over the rest of the year. Hearthstone: Rise of Shadows arrives next month with two pre-purchase options and a whole lot of evil. Watch the announcement trailer below:

Hearthstone: Rise of Shadows brings 135 new cards as villains rise to power in the form of a new coalition. The story that begins with Rise of Shadows will continue through the year in the other expansions. Arch-Thief Rafaam has recruited the greatest villains in Hearthstone history for the League of E.V.I.L. including Dr. Boom, Hagatha the Witch, and more. Check out more details about the expansion here on the official website. Lackeys are new minions with interesting battlecries for the League of E.V.I.L. Twinspell is a new keyword that copies a spell to your hand when you play it while Schemes are spells that grow in power with each turn they are in your hand.
Hearthstone: Rise of Shadows arrives on April 9th for all platforms. There will be pre-release events from April 5th. Pre-orders are now live for the 50-pack and 80-pack bundles. The 50-pack bundle includes the Jewel of Lazul card back, 50 packs, and a random legendary card. The 80-pack mega bundle includes the Jewel of Lazul card back, 80 packs, a random golden legendary, and ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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