‘Jurassic World Alive’ Guide – How to Create Hybrids, Win Battles and Play Longer for Free With Our Tips, Cheats and Hacks

If you’re tired of catching pocket monsters on your phone and want to try for something a little bigger and possibly with a lot more teeth, Jurassic World Alive (Free) is the game you seek. Is it lazy to call it “Pokemon GO with dinosaurs"" Probably! Is it easier to understand that way" Heck yes. Is it accurate" Well, sort of.
The central conceit of Jurassic World Alive is an awful lot like PoGO, in the sense that you hunt for things to collect on an in-game map that is overlaid on the real world ? in this case thanks to Google Maps integration. Perhaps as an homage to the end of The Lost World, though hopefully not because that was the worst part of that movie, dinosaurs are loose in the real world. Your job is to get as many of them as you can on your side. You can’t catch them by throwing a two-tone ball at them, as that would be silly. These are thunder lizards, after all. Instead, there’s a mini-game that represents you flying a drone to shoot darts at the dinosaurs and collect samples of their DNA. Get enough DNA strands and you can either unlock a new dinosaur or level up one you already own. Plus you can play God and combine two types of DNA to create rarer hybrid dinosaurs, completely thumbing your nose at the films that said that was a horrible idea. Once you have enough dinosaurs in your collection, you can form your best team of eight and take them into turn-based battles against teams formed by other players.
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