‘Light the Sea’ is an Atmospheric Underwater Flinger that’s Launching July 18th - Videogames Blogs

‘Light the Sea’ is an Atmospheric Underwater Flinger that’s Launching July 18th

I’ve long felt that “flinging" was one of the mechanics that’s most well-suited to the touchscreen. This can be flinging by pushing forwards on an object with the touchscreen and sending it careening, or flinging by pulling back on an object and slingshotting it similar to something like Angry Birds. Both versions of the mechanic feel right at home on a smooth glass surface with no physical buttons, and it’s the latter version that is the basis of a new game called Light the Sea from solo developer Petr Pucek aka KetchiGames. Light the Sea is a high score chaser where you’ll fling a bioluminescent plankton through randomly generated underwater levels in an effort to rescue baby sea turtles while avoiding things like environmental traps and hazards as well as underwater enemies. Check out the trailer.
Light the Sea has a super atmospheric feel to it, and gives off a good feeling that you’re actually swimming in an incredibly deep ocean. I also love how the game slows down when you’re pulling back to set up your next movement, it gives it a “bullet time" type of vibe. In addition to seeing just how far you can make it and how high a score you can achieve, Light the Sea will also feature unlockable characters “with special abilities to help you with some challenging game situations" as well as the ability to earn “badges of different rarities by completing simple challenges." I love games th...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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