‘Minecraft Earth’ 0.14.0 Brings Hidden Reward Chests in Adventures, Three New Mobs, and More on iOS and Android - Videogames Blogs

‘Minecraft Earth’ 0.14.0 Brings Hidden Reward Chests in Adventures, Three New Mobs, and More on iOS and Android

Minecraft Earth was properly showcased at WWDC with beta sign ups open for a small group of people on iOS and Android a bit later. After that, Mojang finally started rolling out the game on the App Store across a few regions in a soft launch before it was finally rolled out worldwide. Today, the R14 or 0.14.0 update for Minecraft Earth just hit iOS and Android bringing new mobs, adventure fixes, and more. If you’ve not yet played it, it has been updated a lot since the initial launch. Watch the trailer for the game below:

The focus of today’s update is the three new mobs added and Adventure updates. Common, Uncommon, and Rare adventures now include Adventure Chests with unique rewards. This update also reduces the distance required for Adventures. Killing mobs in Adventures nets you experience now as well. In terms of mobs, Horned sheep, Iron Furnace Golem, and the Melon Golem have been added with 0.14.0. In terms of bug fixes, the map and UI screens run better now and the Skeleton Wolf’s damage has been adjusted. This update follows 0.13.0 that arrived a few weeks ago and 0.12.0 that was before that bringing meat, occlusion toggles, 12 different boosts, and more.
Minecraft Earth is now available on iOS and Android. Check out our forum thread for the game for more discussion. It is great to see the game get updated so often with new content and fixes. Have you been playing Minecraft Earth often"

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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