‘Minecraft Earth’ 0.21.0 Brings Challenge Season 5, Sheers for Collecting, the Rainbow Sheep Buildplate, an Improved Rewards Screen, and More - Videogames Blogs

‘Minecraft Earth’ 0.21.0 Brings Challenge Season 5, Sheers for Collecting, the Rainbow Sheep Buildplate, an Improved Rewards Screen, and More

Minecraft Earth (Free) has been getting updated each month with a new challenge season, new mobs, and a lot more. Last month saw challenge season 4, Epic Buildplates, new mobs, and more arrive while prior updates allowed for enjoying the game more while indoors. Today’s update is the R21 update bringing in support for Challenge Season 5: Color. The update also improves the rewards screen to show mobs killed, chest rwards, active XP boosts, and more. Given how big games like Pokemon GO are and how big Minecraft is in general, it is good to see them allow players to continue to enjoy the games while being stuck at home.
In terms of new mobs, Minecraft Earth 0.21.0 adds the Rainbow Sheep mob in addition to the Rainbow Sheep Buildplate which will arrive soon. A new item, Sheers, has been added letting you directly collect cobwebs, leaves, and flowers. It is going to be interesting to see how Minecraft Earth evolves on iOS 14 with improvements to ARKit and more. Minecraft Earth is now available on iOS and Android. Check out our forum thread for the game for more discussion. Have you been playing Minecraft Earth often and what do you think of the pace at which new content and features are brought into the game"

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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