‘Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon’ is a 16-Bit-Inspired Spin-Off that’s Heading to Apple Arcade January 8th - Videogames Blogs

‘Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon’ is a 16-Bit-Inspired Spin-Off that’s Heading to Apple Arcade January 8th

Those of us who had been following along closely with the development of Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm ever since its first announcement way back in August of 2016 were happy to see the game finally launch as part of Apple Arcade in September of last year, and since that time developer Cornfox & Bros. has launched a huge update dubbed The Golden Edition this past June adding all sorts of cool new stuff to the game. Being that there was a nearly 6 year gap in between the original Oceanhorn and the launch of Oceanhorn 2, I don’t think anyone was expecting a new game in the series anytime soon. But Cornfox surprised everyone today by announcing a nifty spin-off title called Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon which should be launching on Apple Arcade next month. Here’s some screens.
Cornfox describes the game as their “Dungeon Crawler take on all things Oceanhorn" and have designed it with couch co-op for up to 4 players in mind. It’s also described as a rogue-lite that can be played over quick sessions. Timeline-wise, Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon is set after the end of Oceanhorn 2 and takes place 200 years after the Catastrophe. The Realm of Arcadia has been splintered off into the many islands of the Uncharted Seas, and you’ll play as a group of adventurers who “set on a journey to restore the world to its former glory." How do you accomplish that" Well you have discovered the Chronos Dungeon and deep down in its bel...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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