‘Plague Inc.’ Developer Releasing Political/Military Simulation ‘Rebel Inc.’ on December 6th

I have long said that Plague Inc. ($0.99) from Ndemic Creations is some of the best money you can spend in the App Store. Inspired by the cult Flash hit Pandemic, Plague Inc. tasks you with unleashing various types of viruses into the world and making strategic moves to ensure those viruses spread as far as possible and wipe out as much of humanity as possible. Yeah, this is a messed up game, but it is oh so fun. Since its initial release back in 2012 Plague Inc. has received a staggering amount of new updates and additional paid content, and if the near endlessly replayable base game somehow wasn’t enough there was always plenty more to chew through for those that wanted it. While Ndemic has parlayed its success in mobile into a fantastic physical board game version of Plague Inc. as well as a PC port that brought forth a robust scenario creator for the game, we had yet to see any sort of new games from the developer. Until today when Ndemic Creations unveiled their new game Rebel Inc.
So as you might imagine based on the name, Rebel Inc. is going to follow very closely in the footsteps of Plague Inc. but rather than trying to spread death across the globe you’ll be dealing with the “complexities and consequences of foreign intervention and counter insurgency." Whoa, somehow that seems MORE heavy to me than mass death. Ndemic seems to realize the delicate nature of the game’s premise, and even issued this footnote: “Although a fictio...
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