‘Pokemon GHOST’ – I Mean, ‘Ghostbusters World’ – is Now Available - Videogames Blogs

‘Pokemon GHOST’ – I Mean, ‘Ghostbusters World’ – is Now Available

The long-awaited Ghostbusters-ified answer to Pokemon GO, Ghostbusters World (Free), has finally launched on both iOS and Android today. Well, actually it became available in the wee hours of the morning yesterday but for some reason the game was in maintenance mode for most of the day afterwards. So if you had pre-ordered the game and received an alert that it was out and excitedly rushed off to download the game, well, you were met with disappointment. Not a great first impression, Ghostbusters World. The bright side is that with those issues now sorted I’ve had a chance to check out the game and am actually really impressed with how enjoyable it is.
Now, I have to clarify that aside from that glorious month or so when Pokemon GO hit peak popularity in the summer of 2016 and you couldn’t go anywhere without seeing dozens of people playing the game all over, I don’t really play Pokemon GO. Like, at all. So while I certainly thought Ghostbusters was a perfect fit for the Pokemon GO formula, I wasn’t exactly chomping my fingernails off waiting for the game’s release. And perhaps it’s that lack of expectations that has led me to have such a surprisingly fun time with Ghostbusters World, but whatever the case this is just a really nice fit for adventuring out in the world and capturing ghosts in augmented reality.
You’re presented with a big overworld map based on real-world data that’ll be extremely familiar looking to Po...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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