‘Prizefighters’ Gets Cross-Platform Online Multiplayer in Latest Update - Videogames Blogs

‘Prizefighters’ Gets Cross-Platform Online Multiplayer in Latest Update

This past December, Koality Games launched Prizefighters (Free) in the App Store, a boxing game with arcade-like mechanics heavily inspired by the classic Punch Out! but with a more simulation-like career mode and character progression. Using incredibly intuitive touchscreen controls, Prizefighters played like a dream, and Koality has been busy adding all sorts of stuff to the game in the months since its release. This included things like TONS more customization options, additional options for controls, many tweaks to the career mode and the computer AI, and flags. So many flags. More flags than you could shake a flag at, which allowed people from all sorts of countries to create a boxer that represented where they themselves were from.
These updates culminated with a big version 2.0 release in March that added the much requested online multiplayer to the mix, as well as a new endless arcade mode. Oh and more flags, natch. Koality hasn’t slowed down since then though, and has continued to release multiple updates that have tweaked and improved the game further, and this week a really nice update landed that upgrades the online multiplayer and enables cross-platform online play between iOS and Android players.
Have a friend who hates Apple" (Shout out to my brother in-law.) Then settle it with a virtual boxing match! Do you hate Android" Punch that Android user in the face through the internet. Don’t care what type of phone somebody uses becau...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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