‘Radiation Island’ Developers Releasing New Open-World Survival Horror Game ‘Escape from Chernobyl’ August 9th - Videogames Blogs

‘Radiation Island’ Developers Releasing New Open-World Survival Horror Game ‘Escape from Chernobyl’ August 9th

I was just shy of five years old when the Chernonobyl disaster took place in 1986, so I remember it being a major news story of the time but never really thought much of it since. Then when Call of Duty 4 came out in 2007 and featured a level that took place in the city where the Chernobyl power plant was located, I found it totally fascinating to wander around a digital representation of that world, and it got me interested in learning more about what happened all those years earlier. Chernobyl is in Pripyat, Ukraine, and initially after the explosion at the nuclear power plant the government evacuated the city on what was supposed to be a temporary basis, just a few days at most. That turned into a permanent evacuation, which meant that the nearly 50,000 people who lived there ended up leaving all most all of their possessions behind, thinking they’d be coming back. This created a unique situation where there’s an entire city where it appears everyone just up and vanished one day, and it’s sat there just as they left it for more than three decades. Look up some photos or videos of Pripyat and it’s an incredibly eerie and unsettling sight. Anyway, I find everything about Chernobyl interesting, which means I’m most certainly interested in Atypical Games’ upcoming release Escape from Chernobyl. It’s essentially a follow-up to their incredibly popular Radiation Island ($2.99) and its sequel Radiation City ($4.99), and feature...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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