‘Rangers of Oblivion’ Review – What the Behemoth Is Going On" - Videogames Blogs

‘Rangers of Oblivion’ Review – What the Behemoth Is Going On"

Tell me there’s a game like Monster Hunter on my mobile phone and I’ll be all over it quicker than a Tigrex through my Rarity 3 armor set. I’m not as active a mobile gamer as I should be outside of my MOBA niche, so the release of NetEase’s action RPG “Rangers of Oblivion (Free)" took me completely by surprise last week. Jumping at the opportunity to beat up some massive monsters on the go (or in bed, most likely), I tracked down the game on my two devices of choice and got to work. My first impressions of the game stemmed from a quick watch of its launch trailer, opening cinematic, and a delightfully high-res log-in screen. It’s naïve to judge a game by what is essentially its cover, but coming from a relatively limited mobile gaming background, I hadn’t been this intrigued since Mobius Final Fantasy or the original Infinity Blade before that. And this feeling of wonder wasn’t lost upon logging in for the first time, either. A relatively robust character creator allows you to make the ?ranger? of your choosing. There aren’t any additional races to choose from other than your standard high-fantasy human, but there’s plenty of hairstyles, voice types, and body sliders to mess around with. Confirm your selects and you’re good to go. Again, first impressions were high. After a brief introduction, you’re thrown into what could be your new home for quite some time depending on what you like in your mob...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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