‘Sakura Kakumei’ Is a new Sakura Wars game for iOS and Android from SEGA and DelightWorks - Videogames Blogs

‘Sakura Kakumei’ Is a new Sakura Wars game for iOS and Android from SEGA and DelightWorks

SEGA has been very erratic with how it has handled the Sakura Wars franchise outside Japan over the years. Things looked up last year when the company announced an international release of the PS4 game Sakura Wars. Sakura Wars on PS4 is an excellent action RPG with one of my favourite soundtracks of the year. Two livestreams from today for projects from SEGA and DelightWorks (Fate/Grand Order) ended up being about the same game which is Sakura Kakumei for iOS and Android. This is a new free to play RPG for mobile set for release in Japan this year. The gameplay looks similar to the turn based gameplay in Fate/Grand Order while the PS4 game ditched tactical RPG gameplay for a more hack and slash approach. Watch the announcement trailer for Sakura Kakumei which can be translated as Sakura Revolution below:
Sakura Kakumei is set in a modern day Sakura Wars world in 2011 which is about seven decades after the PS4 Sakura Wars game. Sakura Kakumei has been confirmed to be a free to play game and it includes various pre-registration rewards. You can currently pre-register for it in Japan on the official website and on Google Play. If you’d like to pre-register or pre-order Sakura Kakumei, check it out on Google Play for Android here and on the App Store for iOS here. As of now, the App Store release date for Sakura Kakumei is set for October 28th this year. Considering SEGA’s push for Sakura Wars on PS4 and how the company has brought over many mobile games in...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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