‘SEGA Heroes’ Review – Welcome to the Previous Level - Videogames Blogs

‘SEGA Heroes’ Review – Welcome to the Previous Level

Whatever a person might think about how well SEGA treats its classic franchises and games, you at least have to admit that the company has a pretty good track record with cross-overs. Games like Fighters Megamix, SEGA All-Stars Racing, and SEGAGAGA seem to be excuses to dig out old beloved IPs that may not necessarily be strong enough to carry games on their own anymore, celebrating the company’s history in games that are solid, if not always spectacular. So hey, why not SEGA Heroes (Free)" Why not get in on the gatcha game craze with a rich library of characters that are known and loved around the world" What’s the worst that could happen"
Ah, I love ominous opening paragraphs like that, don’t you" SEGA Heroes comes to us, I believe, from SEGA of Europe and Demiurge Studios, the same pairing that brought us last year’s Crazy Taxi Tycoon. The premise is sound enough. Put together a team of legendary SEGA characters and battle against groups of enemies in matching-puzzle gameplay. Use the resources earned from those battles to power up your team or get new characters, and try to tackle the next stage. Not the most original idea around, but neither was kart racing by the time the SEGA All-Stars got around to it, and that worked out fine. It doesn’t hurt that SEGA’s current mobile group has a real eye for the deeper cuts from SEGA’s history. Sure, Sonic and his dubious pals are here, as they are going to be in any e...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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