‘Silverfish DX’ Review – A Fun Revival of a Classic High Score Chaser

Chaotic Box?s Silverfish DX [appprice url=?https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/silverfish-dx/id1052651366"mt=8?], a revival of the 2010 high score chaser, is kind of like the marriage of Pac-Man with Pacifism mode from Geometry Wars ? coincidentally, did you notice Geometry Wars 3 isn?t on the App Store any more" That?s some garbage. You are pursued by enemies, and there are two ways to clear them out: one is by collecting bombs (called energy pods in Trainer mode, the game?s tutorial) that blow up nearby enemies and leave behind multiplier protons which you can pick up. The other element is that the bombs increase your POW meter, and once that fills up, you go into MAX mode, where you turn the tables on enemies and start to eat them for their delicious sustenance, and points. You get more points based on your base multiplier, but each enemy you eat in MAX mode increases your temporary multiplier, so you can get x40 multiplier on top of a permanent x120 multiplier.
But if you take damage, then your POW meter drops to one bar and if you don?t get a bomb within 5 seconds, you die. Also, if you take a hit while at one bar, you die instantly. Your POW meter also steadily decreases, so if you take long routes to the bombs, you might find it takes an extra bomb pickup to activate MAX mode. The one ability you have beyond this is Time Shock. Tap the screen, and time slows down and enemies will run away from you, allowing you safe passage to where you need to go.
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ARK: Extinction - Gacha Teaser |