‘SINoALICE’ From Yoko Taro and Another Eden Have Been Confirmed for Release in North America and Europe
Square Enix has tons of free to play mobile games in their catalogue and while many make their way to North America and Europe, few get left inside Japan. There isn’t any shortage of good games to play on iOS and Android but one aspect of a game called SINoALICE made me want to play it besides the art. Yoko Taro of NiER (PS3 / Xbox 360), Drakengard series (PS2 and PS3), NieR: Automata (PS4, Xbox One) fame, is the writer and creative director for SINoALICE. The three games I mentioned above are enough pedigree for me to basically want to play or watch anything Yoko Taro is involved in. They are that good. I was patiently waiting on Square Enix to announce an English release of SINoALICE but GREE just made the announcement public in their financials for Q1 2019. Watch the trailer for SINoALICE below:
Another Eden has also been confirmed for English release by GREE and unlike SINoALICE, this will be self published. Another Eden is another free to play smartphone RPG in Japan that is also coming to Nintendo Switch in Japan. Another Eden features Masato Kato (writer) and Yasunori Mitsuda (composer) of Chrono and Xenogears fame. Watch the trailer for Another Eden below:
As of now, neither has a release window and there are no details if the English releases will include regions outside North America and Europe. Both games are available in Japan for free on both iOS and Android. Have you been holding out for a localisation announced for either of these games&qu...
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