‘Super Cat Tales 2’ Gets New Winter Update and Support for New iPhone X Models
With Christmas on the horizon, one of the year’s best platforming games Super Cat Tales 2 (Free) has just received an update celebrating all things winter and Christmas. Upon launching the newly updated game, you’ll be presented with a new icon on the title screen which will take you to the game’s new Winter Xmas Event level. Here you can visit with some friends and partake in a selection of cool mini-games, like an ice sculpting game that lets you create the pixel designs of your dreams or a snowman bashing game that tasks you with plowing through as many snowmen as you can in twenty seconds. Check out the Xmas Event in the following trailer.
If you aren’t familiar with Super Cat Tales 2, it’s a sequel to the 2016 original that manages to improve on the already incredible first game. You’ll command a roster of unique playable cats who each have their own special abilities that will help you make your way through the story-driven campaign. Probably the most exciting thing about Super Cat Tales 2, and the original game for that matter, is its ingenious touchscreen controls that eschew the clunkiness of virtual buttons for a truly native solution. It takes a little warming up to, but once you do you’ll be running, jumping, and meowing through the game like a champ.
We chose Super Cat Tales 2 as our Game of the Week when it released in early October, and not only does this update add the new Xmas Event content but it ensu...
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