‘Tales of Crestoria’, the Mobile Exclusive ‘Tales of’ Entry, Gets an Extended Trailer Showcasing Character Interactions, Battles, and Story Moments - Videogames Blogs

‘Tales of Crestoria’, the Mobile Exclusive ‘Tales of’ Entry, Gets an Extended Trailer Showcasing Character Interactions, Battles, and Story Moments

Originally announced for just Japan, Tales of Crestoria was soon confirmed for a worldwide release in 2019 before getting delayed. If you’ve not followed the news about it yet, Tales of Crestoria is a brand new Tales of game for iOS and Android featuring both original and old characters in the Tales of universe. Over the weekend, Bandai Namco Entertainment posted a detailed look at various aspects of the upcoming game. Watch the introduction trailer below:

When the delay was announced, the team revealed that we would all get a detailed look at the game sometime in December and that video went live over the weekend. The introduction video for Tales of Crestoria in English showcases story moments, battles, and character interactions. I was a bit skeptical about the game initially but it looks very promising right now. If you missed details for its showing at TGS 2018, read Shaun’s post here. With the game looking very good now and Bandai Namco Entertainment set to release a brand new Tales of game in 2020 in the form of Tales of Arise, it feels like the series can finally get back to its former glory if handled well. Check out the official English website here. Did you play Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition this year and what do you think of the upcoming Tales of Arise"
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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