‘Tesla vs Lovecraft’ Review – Another Shockingly Great Top-Down Shooter from 10tons - Videogames Blogs

‘Tesla vs Lovecraft’ Review – Another Shockingly Great Top-Down Shooter from 10tons

Developer 10tons is no stranger to top-down shooters. They entered into the genre guns blazing a decade and a half ago with their critical hit Crimsonland, a frantic blast-a-thon that proved it could stand the test of time when it was re-released several years back and garnered even more critical acclaim from an entirely new audience. And then in recent years they’ve taken the genre in a number of different and very interesting ways with a number of titles. Neon Chrome offered solid top-down shooting but with a roguelike feel and awesome cyberpunk aesthetic. Time Recoil brought a novel time-slowing mechanic to the mix. And then there’s JYDGE which brought their solid top-down shooting action in NON-randomized, smartly designed levels and with a cool storyline that was totally not at all inspired by Judge Dredd. Not one bit. All of these releases have been critically acclaimed on whatever platform they’ve launched on, but what makes these games so great for us and our audience in particular is that they translate extremely well to the touchscreen. The latest release from 10tons called Tesla vs Lovecraft ($3.99) has been extremely well-received by players since its launch on Steam at the beginning of the year, and as expected they’ve now brought that experience over to join its siblings on mobile. So is this yet another top-down shooter hit for 10tons" Yes? but with some caveats.
First off, since 10tons shooters all have their own sort of gimm...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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