‘The Walking Dead: Our World’ Guide: Tips, Cheats, Hints and Strategies to Survive Walkers in AR - Videogames Blogs

‘The Walking Dead: Our World’ Guide: Tips, Cheats, Hints and Strategies to Survive Walkers in AR

Let’s say you’re into the idea of mobile games based on augmented reality, but neither collecting pocket monsters nor firing darts at dinosaurs to steal their DNA sound like your jam. Maybe what you’re looking for is The Walking Dead: Our World , which takes the still popular zombie IP and uses the wonders of location-based AR to create a struggle for survival right on your phone.
Well, kind of, anyway. Our World definitely gets across the idea that the world is overrun with the undead, and it has more of a focus on combat than any other big AR game so far, albeit in very simple form. You do have to worry about other humans, too (though not other players, a small but important difference), since the TV series has hammered into our heads over the years that the Real Threat is people, not walkers. There is still something of a collection element as well, except now you’re not hunting cute creatures but more weapons and heroes to help you send those zombies to the great beyond. Um, send them there again, we mean. It would all be pretty cool except for the annoying free-to-play energy system that limits how long you can play at one time and the fact that there are no real serious long term ramifications for failure, which is kind of the exact opposite of The Walking Dead in other forms of media.

But hey, AR zombies, which are actually pretty cool. Plus we can help you minimize the other not as fun parts, so let’s begin with explaining exactl...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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