‘Total Party Kill’ the Friendly Fire Dungeon Party Experience From Jussi Simpanen Finally Has a Release Date for iOS and Android - Videogames Blogs

‘Total Party Kill’ the Friendly Fire Dungeon Party Experience From Jussi Simpanen Finally Has a Release Date for iOS and Android

Jussi Simpanen (Adventure Islands) brought us some interesting games on mobile platforms. Total Party Kill has a very clever mechanic that makes you take full advantage of friendly fire. It has some nice old school visuals with nice animations as well. The aim is to make use of your party to proceed and solve puzzles in dungeons. Sacrificing is key to moving forward. Watch the trailer for it below:

You control three varied heroes with their own abilities in Total Party Kill and your aim is to solve various puzzles. You can freeze party members with the mage or pin them to walls using arrows, and much more. At least one hero needs to survive and reach the goal to win and complete the level. Screenshots don’t really do this game’s mechanics justice so I urge you to watch the video above to get a true glimpse into Total Party Kill.
If you’re interested in the game, check out Total Party Kill on Steam here. We will post when it is up for pre-order on the App Store or Google Play. It arrives on PC and mobile platforms on July 3rd. What do you think of this concept"

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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