‘Vainglory’ Now Has Full Cross Platform Play across Mobile and PC Devices with Update 4.0

Super Evil Megacorp announced plans to make Vainglory (Free) cross platform a while ago. We loved it right from the start. Read Eric’s review here. Cross platform play isn’t really something new but it is always great to see more developers allow for it in their titles. Arena of Valor still has no cross play between Switch and iOS or Android. Watch the cross platform alpha video below:
Kristian Segerstrale, CEO of Super Evil Megacorp, said the team believes gamers are gamers on any device and they deserve to play together regardless of platform and control mechanism. Vainglory is built on the team’s proprietary E.V.I.L. Engine. The 4.0 update also adds in game text chat, a new friends hub, new UI, and more.
This update also sees Vainglory release on Steam for PC platforms. It is free to play there as well. If you’d like to check it out on Steam, it is available here. It has been interesting seeing Vainglory evolve ever since it debuted years ago on the App Store after being showcased at an Apple event. It still remains a technical showcase. Do you still play it"
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