‘Vortexika’ is a Rad Looking Space Shooter that’s Coming Soon from the Maker of ‘Only One’ - Videogames Blogs

‘Vortexika’ is a Rad Looking Space Shooter that’s Coming Soon from the Maker of ‘Only One’

Some older school mobile gamers may be familiar with the name Ernest Szoka aka RebelBinary by way of the 2014 release Only One (Free), a game based on a somewhat obscure 2001 box office flop starring Jet Li called The One. Specifically this scene where Li is fighting off hordes of bad guys atop a strange ziggurat-like structure. I’m not exaggerating when I say that Only One is one of my all-time favorite mobile games, and I could go on and on about why I love it, but that’s not why I’m here. Plus Only One is free, so if you haven’t tried it before, go do that. No I’m here to tell you about RebelBinary’s first new game since Only One all those years ago. This one’s called Vortexika, and as that name hints at, it’s a space shooter that takes place in a vortex. That means your movement is around the outer edge of that vortex, similar to the arcade classic Gyruss, as you avoid obstacles and blast at enemies as they approach you. You can see exactly what Vortexika is all about in the following trailer.
That trailer doesn’t tell the whole story though, as RebelBinary has shared additional details about the game in our forums. It’s billed as an endless game, but not TOO endless as there are 100 different levels to play through with checkpoint intervals every 10 levels. This is actually one of the more interesting parts of Vortexika as if you don’t make it at least 25% of the way through a level your previous ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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