‘Yo-Kai Watch World’ Is an Augmented Reality ‘Pokémon GO’ Like Experience With Yo-Kai Watch Mechanics Available for Free in Japan - Videogames Blogs

‘Yo-Kai Watch World’ Is an Augmented Reality ‘Pokémon GO’ Like Experience With Yo-Kai Watch Mechanics Available for Free in Japan

With all the discussion around Pokémon GO(Free) and how it finally added social features like trading, the game has seen a surge of activity and made quite a bit of money last month. Today, something unexpected happened. Level-5 has been known to announce things for mobile and delay multiple times before either seemingly cancelling or just releasing when it is too late. We’re still waiting for Fantasy Life Online and the mobile port of the first Yo-Kai Watch 3DS game. Today, they had an event where Yo-kai Watch World was announced, revealed, and then released for Japan on iOS and Android. Watch the announcement trailer for it below:

Yo-Kai Watch World sees you become the protagonist of a new adventure set in Japan (Japan only right now) and catch Yo-Kai to fill up your Encyclopedia. It basically borrows quite heavily from Pokémon GO in terms of concept but uses the mechanics of Yo-Kai Watch and even has semi automatic battles. There are even boss fights. Watch a few minutes of gameplay for it below:
The augmented reality Yo-Kai Watch experience here is available for free right now in Japan on both iOS and Android. There will also be marketing tie ups with brands like NTT Docomo and collaborations with Puzzles and Dragons and more. If you’d like to check this out, Yo-Kai Watch World is available for free on the App Store and Google Play in Japan.
[Source: Gematsu]

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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