10 More 'Hearthstone' WitchWood Expansion Cards Revealed - Videogames Blogs

10 More 'Hearthstone' WitchWood Expansion Cards Revealed

Blizzard Developer Peter Whalen had a sit down this afternoon with Frodan on Twitch to discuss the latest Hearthstone[Free] card reveals for the upcoming Witchwood expansion. There are some very thought provoking cards with this set of reveals including the one and only Legendary Hero card that the expansion will be releasing as well as some other big surprises. Without any more ado, I submit to you, today's card roundup:

Houndmaster Shaw:
This is the mid-range or control Hunter version of Tundra Rhino. What makes this worthy of note is that the card is cheaper and it doesn't care about the Beast tag like the Rhino does. Savannah Highmane and other six cost cards will love this and that all minions will be impacted means that this one should see a solid amount of play.
Rotten Applebaum:

This is a low impact minion that might find it's way into a Nzoth deck or possibly as a tech card against face and aggro decks. Not every card in an expansion is going to be a game changer or a card that you build a deck around but this one is a fine example of cannon fodder with reasonable stats and cost.

Witchwood Apple and Whispering Woods:
These two cards are hinting at a new type of deck for Druid and it seems very possible that hand Druid may indeed be on the horizon. There is some obvious Mountain Giant/Savage Roar synergy with the Apple. Of course all of Druid's powerful card draw options making a 6/6 or 7/7 stat Whispering Wood a strong possibility. Whispering Wood makes...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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