3 New Hearthstone Cards Poised to be Overpowered and the Class Least Likely to be Good in the Witchwood - Videogames Blogs

3 New Hearthstone Cards Poised to be Overpowered and the Class Least Likely to be Good in the Witchwood

With all the new Hearthstone[Free] reveals going on, we're sitting down for a minute to look over what we have seen and shed a little light on what were this weeks big meta-changing cards in the Witchwood expansion. We've already looked at some of the ways Glinda Crowskin, Lord Godfrey, and Hagatha the Witch may have an impact. Today we look at a few more cards that have some far-reaching implications on what a good deck might look like in the months ahead and one very special class that seems to be behind the curve at the moment.

Lady in White
We are in a Priest renaissance right now. While it may not be as dominant as Shaman or Druid were in their heyday, the groundwork for solid Priest decks has never been as good and there is no sign of slowing. Between Lady in White and Vivid Nightmare the stage is set for not only revitalizing old deck types but the genesis of stuff from out of left field. I like this card, I think Priest will continue to be a thorn in my side if my Jade Druid deck continues to be viable and I feel bitter but I'm not, because Priests deserve good decks too!
Late game Hunter has some issues, and Emeriss is here to help. He is going to play well with Kathrena Winterwisp and is probably going to be reliant on a few key factors. The Kobolds & Catacombs expansion leaned very heavily on a low or no minion count Hunter style that means that even with a hand full of cards, which Hunter seems to rarely be afforded if the game is still going at round ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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