A Mobile Port of 'Double Dragon 4' is Now Available on the App Store - Videogames Blogs

A Mobile Port of 'Double Dragon 4' is Now Available on the App Store

The legendary beat 'em up series Double Dragon is no stranger to the App Store. DotEmu brought us the entire trilogy of arcade games back in late 2013 with the appropriately titled and quite good Double Dragon Trilogy [$2.99], and way back in early 2011 developer Brizo Interactive released an enhanced remake of the original Double Dragon that was based on a version released for the obscure Zeebo console. It was super weird, but I actually loved that version, and am sad it's no longer available. Anyway, this brings us to this weekend as Arc System Works has released their 2017 entry in the series Double Dragon 4 [Free] on the App Store. Arc picked up the Double Dragon license a few years ago and announced this new entry in 2016, with a release on Playstation 4 and Windows about a year ago and a Nintendo Switch port arriving this past September. Here's the official trailer.
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So, about this game. Storyline-wise it takes place after Double Dragon 2 as Jimmy and Bimmy?I mean Billy plan to open up training dojos all over the country after defeating the evil Black Warriors gang. However, during their road trip a new gang called the Renegades barges in to stop them and it's right back into the fire for the Lee brothers. It's a reasonably decent setup for a new adventure but, well, the game just isn't all that remarkable. It uses assets that are more similar to the NES port of the original Double Dragon rather than new visuals or ev...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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