Abstract 2015 Puzzler 'The Guides' Getting a Sequel Next Week Called 'The Guides Axiom' - Videogames Blogs

Abstract 2015 Puzzler 'The Guides' Getting a Sequel Next Week Called 'The Guides Axiom'

Just over two years ago puzzle designer Luke Lisi and game developer Kevin Bradford collaborated on a very interesting abstract puzzle game called The Guides [$2.99]. Well, labeling it as simply a puzzle game probably doesn't do it justice, as The Guides was stuffed not only with challenging puzzles to solve but also codes to break and ciphers to, uh, decipher. The game was quite popular in our community, and coupled with the optional The Guides Compendium [$0.99] which added all sorts of additional narrative flavor to the base game, people became really wrapped up in the experience. Well, if you were among those who got swept up in The Guides fever, you'll be happy to know that a sequel called The Guides Axiom is on the horizon.

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How on the horizon" Why, it's launching a week from today in fact, on September 5th. The Guides Axiom will provide over 50 new hand-crafted puzzles to solve, with even more set for release in future updates. There will be integrated decoding tools to help you out with things like morse and binary code, and you'll be able to take screenshots and record notes in order to keep track of all the little details that might result in finding a solution. There's also a reimagined level select system which should offer a much more nonlinear path of progress through the game. Also, you won't have to have played through the original The Guides to enjoy The Guides Axiom, but you probably should anyway ju...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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