Absurd Spear-Throwing Game 'Lichtspeer' Launching March 1st, Up for Pre-Order Now with 50% Discount
It was just about a year ago that we sat down with the good folks from Noodlecake Games to check out four of their upcoming titles at GDC 2017. While both Invert [$2.99] and Flipping Legend [Free] released in the time since then, we've still been kicking back waiting for both Summer Catchers and Lichtspeer. Well, after making a pit stop over on the Nintendo Switch with a special Double Speer co-op edition, Lichtspeer is finally ready to make its debut on iOS in just a couple of weeks. In case you're not familiar, Lichtspeer is a side-scrolling game that has your warrior throwing spears at all manner of enemies in an effort to continue progressing forward and eventually "please the gods and restore balance to the universe." It's wrapped up in a psychedelic art style and over the top German stereotypes, as you can see in the latest trailer.
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Oh yes, I like that trailer very much. Lichtspeer will feature more than 60 levels filled with those wacky enemies and boss battles, and your characters will have 10 upgradeable "lichtpowers" to deal out damage to them. While Lichtspeer's official release date is March 1st, the game is actually up for pre-order right now at a discounted price. If you click this link on an iOS 11 device you'll be taken to the App Store where you can pre-order Lichtspeer for $1.99, 50% off its intended normal price of $3.99. Not bad, eh! If pre-ordering isn't your thing, then just hang t...
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