'Alto's Adventure' Adds iPhone 7's Haptic Feedback in Latest Update - Videogames Blogs

'Alto's Adventure' Adds iPhone 7's Haptic Feedback in Latest Update

Alto's Adventure [$3.99] is always up for using new iPhone and iOS features when they come out, like when it added 3D Touch support and even stickers more recently. In the latest update, Alto's Adventure has added in-game support for Haptic Feedback in iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. If you don't know what haptic feedback is, it's a new addition to the iPhone series that reproduces the sensation of motion or generates tactile experiences; in other words, it's like a better version of the force feedback many of you might be familiar with from console controllers. The way it works in Alto's Adventures is you'll feel "precise vibrational feedback" (as the developers put it) at exciting moments in the game, for instance when you collect a llama or slide over an ice boost. ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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