Amazon Item of the Day: 5.11 RUSH12 Tactical Backpack – Our Favorite Super Durable Backpack - Videogames Blogs

Amazon Item of the Day: 5.11 RUSH12 Tactical Backpack – Our Favorite Super Durable Backpack

One of the best ways you can support TouchArcade is by doing your Amazon shopping through a TouchArcade affiliate link. We’ve set up the easy to remember too if you want to type that in or bookmark it. We get a small percentage of anything you buy through any of these links, which otherwise would just go to financing Jeff Bezos’s bionic probiotics or whatever else he’s up to now, and it goes a long way to supporting the site at no additional cost to you. These Amazon Items of the Day articles are all products we have used ourselves, and feel are things that the TouchArcade audience might be interested in!

I’m not sure if I’m just harder on bags than most people, lug around more junk than I should, or a combination of the two but for whatever reason it seems like with rare exception, backpacks rarely last me more than a year- Sometimes often less from some of the “boutique" brands that you sometimes see sold in Apple Stores. That is, until I picked up the 5.11 RUSH12 Tactical Backpack on the recommendation of a friend of mine who had one that survived his entire military tour. I figure if this bag can take that kind of abuse, surely it can deal with being jammed full of phones, batteries, cables, video game stuff, laptops, and more on airplanes and coffeeshops, right" Looking at my Amazon history I bought this backpack over two years ago, and it still looks brand new. I used to avoid things like the stuff ...
Source: Touch Arcade

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