Amazon Item of the Day: Anker SoundCore Sport XL Outdoor Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker - Videogames Blogs

Amazon Item of the Day: Anker SoundCore Sport XL Outdoor Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker

One of the best ways you can support TouchArcade is by doing your Amazon shopping through a TouchArcade affiliate link. We’ve set up the easy to remember too if you want to type that in or bookmark it. We get a small percentage of anything you buy through any of these links, which otherwise would just go to financing Jeff Bezos’s robot hermit crabs or whatever else he’s up to now, and it goes a long way to supporting the site at no additional cost to you. These Amazon Items of the Day articles are all products we have used ourselves, and feel are things that the TouchArcade audience might be interested in!

Continuing Friday’s theme of cool products to use to cram more podcast listening into your life is the Anker SoundCore Sport XL Outdoor Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker. I actually got this ages ago to go on vacation where we were going to be spending a long weekend at a place with a beach and pool. The original idea was I didn’t want to bring my Big Jambox (Anyone remember when THOSE were the hottest Bluetooth speaker to have") somewhere wet and sandy, which led to a search for something more appropriate. I’ve always had great luck with Anker stuff in general, so when I’m looking for something new inside of the ecosystem of stuff that they might sell, I usually check their listings first. Well, the Anker SoundCore Sport XL worked like a charm as it’s both IP67 waterproof rated (so it can be submerge...
Source: Touch Arcade

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