Amazon Item of the Day: Cheotech Wireless Charger – Only $9.99 Through July 27th

One of the best ways you can support TouchArcade is by doing your Amazon shopping through a TouchArcade affiliate link. We’ve set up the easy to remember too if you want to type that in or bookmark it. We get a small percentage of anything you buy through any of these links, which otherwise would just go to financing Jeff Bezos’s hybrid cyborg cats that don’t shed or whatever else he’s up to now, and it goes a long way to supporting the site at no additional cost to you. These Amazon Items of the Day articles are all products we have used ourselves, and feel are things that the TouchArcade audience might be interested in!
While I like the stand-up style wireless charger at my desk, I’ve gone absolutely hog wild with placing other wireless charging pads around my house in most places that I end up setting my iPhone down. For example, on my night stand I’ve got a wireless charger. On my bathroom counter where I set my phone to listen to podcasts when I get ready in the morning, I’ve got another wireless charger. On the end table next to me when I watch TV" You guessed it, wireless charger. It’s really cool to just always seamlessly being charging your iPhone, particularly if you’re a power-user like most of us around TouchArcade. By constantly being topped off by wireless chargers, it really seems like my overall reliance on external batteries has been significantly reduced as I’m always ...
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