'Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp' Celebrates the New Year with a Special Event - Videogames Blogs

'Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp' Celebrates the New Year with a Special Event

It's been a bit of a rough go for Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp [Free] since the excitement of its initial release. What was thought to be an easy slam-dunk for Nintendo in the mobile space has turned out to be a bit of a dud. There's been one somewhat significant update since launch, adding a new gardening feature, but the core game seems to be having trouble keeping players engaged. That puts an even greater importance on special events, so it's not too surprising to see that Nintendo has lined up another one to follow its Christmas event. This time, it's celebrating the upcoming New Year.

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While the Christmas event had strong appeal for Western players, this New Year's event is aimed directly at the Japanese audience. Once again, you're collecting items by performing your regular tasks. This time, you're trying to scoop up countdown charms. Those charms can be exchanged for special limited time items such as fancy osechi, a kotatsu, kagamimochi, and more. These are all very familiar items for Japanese players, but not terribly well-known in the West. And like before, crafting these items will get you additional rewards including Leaf Tickets, charms, and special clothing. Rather than the Santa suits from the Christmas event, this time it's a haori and a kimono. The prizes and items are cool, but the fundamental problem with the game remains: there's still not that much to do. As with the last event, you're not doing anyth...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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