Apple’s 2018 iPad and Mac Event is Now Streaming - Videogames Blogs

Apple’s 2018 iPad and Mac Event is Now Streaming

Happy Halloween Eve, everyone! Apple’s keynote stream just went online for today’s iPad and Mac event. This particular event is hosted in New York City, which puts it in the Eastern time zone, which means we actually can start our day with this event instead of waiting all morning for it to kick off. There’s a few way you can watch along, the easiest of which is clicking this link and watching it in your browser or if you want to get fancy you can download the Apple Events app on the Apple TV and watch that way. Alternatively, our sister site MacRumors is doing a live blog if you can’t watch the video.

I’m fairly excited for this event as it seems like there isn’t a whole lot of concrete leaks aside from the fact that the new iPad is getting FaceID and thinner bezels (neither of which being huge surprises) but what its guts are, whether or not it has USB-C, what the new port on the back is for, and all sorts of other things are still totally up in the air. Additionally, what’s happening with the Macs is almost a complete mystery short of folks making assumptions based on Intel’s current processor roadmap of what might fit in their machines. Anyway, sit back and enjoy the show. If you want to live-snark with us, come hang out on our Discord.

Source: Touch Arcade

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