Apple Arcade: ‘EarthNight’ Review – A Harrowing Dive through a Dragon-Filled Sky
Post-apocalyptic settings sometimes feel a bit old hat these days, but that?s just because everyone seems to pick from the same short list of world-ending disasters. Zombies, disease, nuclear war, environmental catastrophes, and technological failures have all been done to death, leaving behind the familiar husk of society made up of abandoned buildings and ragtag survivors living among the ruins. But what else is there to write about"
How about a planet so thoroughly destroyed by space dragons that survivors have to reside in spaceships and dive through the atmosphere to collect junk off the dragons? backs"
It?s not an intuitive way to end the world, sure, but it?s a whole lot more interesting than the usual fare. EarthNight, one of the many new games featured on Apple Arcade, takes this unusual approach to the post-apocalypse and fashions an unusual blend of gameplay that tasks players with diving from space through a sky teeming with dragons in hopes of reaching the surface of the earth and finding some way to save the world.
The game is an auto-runner, a genre which itself may seem old hat for a mobile game, but this one has enough tricks up its sleeve to breathe life into a genre that seems to consist mostly of Temple Run and Canabalt clones. While there?s certainly plenty of running you can do on the constantly-squirming back of the snake-like dragons, the best players will find ways to launch themselves skyward, bouncing off enemies? backs and jumping from...
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