'Archlion Saga' Review - Just Press the Win Button - Videogames Blogs

'Archlion Saga' Review - Just Press the Win Button

If you've ever found yourself playing an RPG and thinking to yourself how much you enjoy moving a character around simple maps, winning battles by pushing the fight button, and skipping through a banal trope-laden story, but wishing that it didn't take so darned much time and thinking to beat, has Kemco got the game for you. Archlion Saga [Free] is a super-simplified JRPG, and when I say super-simplified I mean that it makes Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest look like Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne. But it's not ashamed of this fact at all. The game trumpets its brevity and low difficulty as key features, a sort of relief from the usual overly-long game that ends up thrown in a pile of unfinished purchases. It's not a concept I'm opposed to, but Kemco doesn't pull it off very well.
In the world of Archlion Saga, two powerful gods stand in opposition to one another. The Serpent attempts to bring about an eternal night where chaos would rule, but before it can ever successfully enact its scheme, the Archlion puts a stop to it. It does this through the efforts of its chosen champion, the Archlion King, who wears a special brand that grants them great power. Why does this concern the people of the world" Well, the Serpent also likes to brand normal people with its mark, a mark which brings death to all those it brands. And wouldn't you know it, the latest person to get the brand is our hero's mother. Yes, it's a Kemco hero who isn't an orphan! Lucky for the aptly-named Leon, he...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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