Arena Changes, Shudderwock Rebalancing, and more 'Hearthstone' News in 'Touchstone' #123 - Videogames Blogs

Arena Changes, Shudderwock Rebalancing, and more 'Hearthstone' News in 'Touchstone' #123

It's time again to dive head first into some Hearthstone[Free] news! This week we're seeing some small changes to Arena as well as the card dubbed by former Lead Developer Ben Brode as 'The Craziest Card in Hearthstone.' We also got to see a few examples of new decks that have been performing well at legend rank. The Year of the Raven is now in full swing and we are continuing to see really amazing decks shine through and wow us.
What's Happening in Arena
Arena has long been lauded as the place that you can go to stretch the value of your gold to its absolute limit. It's the mode that will most directly reward you for doing a little extra legwork and reading up on the game. Whether you study general deck building principles, peruse tier lists, or check those sites that will suggest each card one at a time for you, the pay off can be really huge for a small gold entry fee. For players that enjoy the general format of Hearthstone but might not want to face off against the same top tier standard decks each time they play, Arena can also serve as a respite from the flavor of the month style decks you tend to run into in ranked. This week we got info that in an effort to keep this mode as well balanced as possible, the currently over performing Paladin class had an adjustment made to appearance rates of certain cards. While this is a little obtuse it basically means card draw got a little worse for Paladins in Arena. Hadronox OTK Druid
Disguised Toaat has a completely ridiculous...
Source: Touch Arcade

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