As Discussed on The TouchArcade Show, the Anova Sous Vide Cooker is $79.99 on Prime Day - Videogames Blogs

As Discussed on The TouchArcade Show, the Anova Sous Vide Cooker is $79.99 on Prime Day

Alright so this seems like a bit of a stretch to post around here, but we’ve talked about it enough on the podcast and enough people have contacted me about it from hearing about it on the podcast that I’m calling an audible here and posting about a piece of culinary equipment on TouchArcade. To be fair, it does have an app and you can control it with your iPhone, so, maybe it’s not that much of a reach. Anyway, the Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker is currently on sale for $79.99 for Prime Day. I keep track of the prices of these things pretty closely as they’re my go-to gift for anyone even remotely interested in cooking, and this is the cheapest I’ve ever seen a retail packaged, non-refurbished unit.
So what is this sous vide garbage all about anyway" Well, it was a pretty huge trend on online cooking sites and communities a few years ago when early units started popping up on Kickstarter. Previously, sous vide cooking was reserved for the highest of high-end restaurants, as the equipment to do it was super expensive. Recently, home versions of said equipment has gotten super cheap and if you regularly cook meat (or avoid buying meat because you often mess it up) you need one of these. Cooking via sous vide makes it basically impossible to overcook meat, and every steak (or whatever else) you make will be perfect every time. It does this through the magic of precisely controlling the temperature of water. The way the Anova works is by cl...
Source: Touch Arcade

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