Ben Brode’s Second Dinner is Making a Mobile Game with NetEase and Marvel IP - Videogames Blogs

Ben Brode’s Second Dinner is Making a Mobile Game with NetEase and Marvel IP

Many tears were shed on the internet when Ben Brode left the Hearthstone team back in April of last year, as the dude basically was Hearthstone. Blizzard has (obviously) carried on, and loads of new personalities have bubbled up in the team to fill Ben’s shoes. Regardless, Brode fans have been super curious just what he’d do next, as when you’re the principal designer and game director of what is (in my opinion) the best Blizzard game, when you start your own thing you can basically do whatever you want. I was speculating they were going to do something in the PC space, or maybe even a physical board game (I’m not even sure where that notion came from), but we found out today that Ben Brode and the rest of the Second Dinner team are actually making a mobile game, with help from NetEase, and it’ll involve the Marvel IP.
They’re actively hiring right now to build the project, and the existing team is no joke. Their CEO is ex-Bungie and the rest of the team is jam packed with ex-Blizzard heavy-hitters. I even have a framed drawing by their art director, Jomaro Kindred, hanging as the center piece on my living room wall. Basically, what I’m getting at, is if I were a qualified client engineer or technical artist, I’d already be in my car on the way Irvine to try to get a job with them. They’re certified, card carrying, cool dudes from top to bottom.
While we’re obviously super excited to have folks with this lev...
Source: Touch Arcade

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