Best 'Minecraft' Skins On the Marketplace?'Star Wars', 'Stranger Things', and More - Videogames Blogs

Best 'Minecraft' Skins On the Marketplace?'Star Wars', 'Stranger Things', and More

In the beginning, there was only one. I'm talking about skins in Minecraft [$6.99] back in the day, where you could only be Steve and Steve alone (despite the rumors of the Herobrine skin that, of course, never materialized). No matter if you were old, young, male, female, you had but one look while traversing the immense expanse that is Minecraft. However, that started to change when modders took the lead in offering new skins to players, providing a fresh look to the game that became essential once huge servers became more popular. Mojang gradually joined the party as well and started offering "official skins," and it's been doing so ever since.

Once the Minecraft Marketplace became a thing, skins started coming at a much faster pace, and now we find ourselves with dozens and dozens of skins. Choosing the best ones is challenging. So, we've decided to put together a short list of the best skins currently on the Marketplace so you can shop wisely. Don?t expect to like all of our suggestions, because we'll try and address different tastes. Still, this list will be helpful if you don't have many coins but still want to dress your Steve in nice clothes. If you're a Disney fan, you can pick up the latest pack that consists of characters from the movie Moana. There's a total of 25 skins that range from Moana and Maui to the cute piggy Pua and even the anthropomorphized Ocean. You could even do the half-shark Maui. This is a pretty cool pack because it's a departure ...
Source: Touch Arcade

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