Bethesda’s ‘The Elder Scrolls: Blades’ Pushed Back to 2019 - Videogames Blogs

Bethesda’s ‘The Elder Scrolls: Blades’ Pushed Back to 2019

Bethesda’s rollout of their mobile Elder Scrolls game continues to be a rollercoaster of emotion. Called Elder Scrolls: Blades, the game was initially unveiled at this year’s E3 back in June and then promptly put up on the App Store for pre-order with an expected release date of September 1st. We actually got our hands on the demo of Elder Scrolls: Blades at E3 and enjoyed what we saw, and were anxious for that September release date.
Everything seemed on track and that September 1st release date actually coincided with a big event Bethesda was throwing during PAX West 2018, which we attended. Expecting the game to be fully out and playable at the event, instead we were greeted with devices loaded with the exact same E3 demo we saw a few months prior. The demo was even called “E3 Demo" still. Something had to be up. Then later that week Bethesda updated the App Store pre-order page changing the September 1st release date (which had obviously come and gone) to December 1st. Ok, the game needed a few more months of time, that’s fair.
About a week later during Apple’s big keynote unveiling the new iPhone X models, Elder Scrolls: Blades was one of the games demoed during the presentation, which seemed fitting as it’s a really gorgeous game and its release was seemingly just on the horizon. Well, not so fast. At some point Bethesda updated the App Store pre-order page again with a note in the description that the game would now be ...
Source: Touch Arcade

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