Blizzard Announced Nerfs, Trump, Reynad, Kibler, and Others Respond, and More 'Hearthstone' Weekly News in 'Touchstone' #67 - Videogames Blogs

Blizzard Announced Nerfs, Trump, Reynad, Kibler, and Others Respond, and More 'Hearthstone' Weekly News in 'Touchstone' #67

What a week this one was. We've talked repeatedly the past few weeks that the Hearthstone [Free] community wasn't happy with the state of the game partly because of the high level of RNG and because of the rather monotonous meta that consisted of Shaman upon Shaman and a few Warriors on the side. Well, Blizzard was indeed listening because out of nowhere, we got information that in the next patch (6.1.3), the developers are bringing the nerf hammer out of the drawer and banging away. The nerfs, which I talk about in more detail below, are substantial and should hit some of the most popular decks while also trying to ensure a better game going forward. Whether they will succeed, we shall see.

Blizzard is About to Nerf a Number of Cards As I talked about in the intro for today, Blizzard came out somewhat unexpectedly and announced some severe nerfs that should change the meta ahead of BlizzCon. The cards being changed are Tuskarr Totemic, Call of the Wild, Rockbiter Weapon, Execute, Charge, and, of course, Yogg-Saron. You can read our story to see the exact nerfs. As expected, there was quite the reaction about the nerfs from all corners of the internet. IGN saw it as Blizzard finally making Hearthstone less random (or having only "good" RNG) and as the appropriate response to the "loathing" of RNG from the community.

This story tries to predict how the upcoming nerfs will affect the game. The Yogg nerf will probably make the card l...
Source: Touch Arcade

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