'Bridge Constructor Portal' Review - Remember When You Tried to Kill Me Twice"
Originally packaged as part of The Orange Box all the way back in 2007, Portal is easily among my all-time favorite games. The mechanic that powers Portal, if you somehow haven't played it by now, involves using a portal gun to fire blue and orange portals around a series of "test chambers." When you go in a blue portal, you come out of an orange portal and vice versa. It would've been a great puzzle game by itself, but the addition of the ever-present AI frenemy GLaDOS elevates the entire experience to an entirely new level. If you haven't played Portal, please, please do. Portal 2 was released in 2011 and built upon the groundwork laid in the original, with loads more world-building and a few new mechanics.
As anyone who follows Valve IP knows, the suggestion of a Half-Life 3 or a Portal 3 getting released has stopped being a realistic thing to expect and has basically just become a meme. So, when we got emailed the announcement of Bridge Constructor Portal [$4.99], to say I did a double-take was an understatement. I've since been playing through the game for the last week or so, and I really can't believe how torn I am on this whole thing. When I was watching the progress indicator of the original app install, I couldn't have possibly been more excited. A new Portal game! It's what I've been wanting for years.
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The problem is, Bridge Constructor Portal isn't a Portal game as much as it's a Portal-themed version...
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