Card-Based Dungeon Crawler ‘Card Hog’ Launching March 22nd and Available for Pre-Order Now - Videogames Blogs

Card-Based Dungeon Crawler ‘Card Hog’ Launching March 22nd and Available for Pre-Order Now

Back in November developer SnoutUp announced that they’d be bringing their card-based dungeon crawler Card Hog to mobile platforms, and as of today we finally know when to expect it: March 22nd. Card Hog launched in Steam Early Access in June of last year and is a dungeon crawler where the cards themselves are the dungeon, and it features multiple playable characters that each have their own unique decks of cards and special abilities. While Card Hog is largely a single-player endless affair, additional modes and features like multiplayer are planned for the game and are the types of things getting fleshed out during its Early Access period. The mobile iteration appears to be a more streamlined, built-for-mobile experience than the PC version, and you can see it in action in the following trailer.
If you’re interested in reading up on the work that has gone into Card Hog during its Early Access release, you should check out the game’s Steam Page. On mobile Card Hog will be utilizing different pay models for the iOS and Android versions. The Android version will be free to play, and in fact the game is already released there so you can download it from the Google Play Store right now if you have an Android device. On iOS the game will be paid and is currently available for pre-order at a price of just $1.99. Also, the iOS beta is still currently active, so if you’d still like to check it out on iOS ahead of release and provide some feedback abo...
Source: Touch Arcade

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