'Card Thief' Has Been Submitted to the App Store - Videogames Blogs

'Card Thief' Has Been Submitted to the App Store

We've been keeping a close eye on the development of Tinytouchtales' Card Thief, the spiritual successor to the fantastic Card Crawl [$2.99], and it looks like the wait is almost over. Card Thief has been submitted to the App Store, and now all we have to do is wait and see whether Apple's whims will get in the way of a quick approval and release. If you haven't been following our coverage of the upcoming game, Card Thief is a solitaire medieval stealth game that you play with just a deck of cards. Even the description sounds cool.

We just submitted Card Thief version 1.0 to the App Store. The first prototype was done on the 25th of August 2015. #gamedev pic.twitter.com/boGiSqBYpA — Card Thief (@cardthiefgame) February 12, 2017

In order to steal all the sweet treasures, you draw paths between cards on a 3x3 grid, all the while trying to avoid guards and other dangers. There are some really cool ideas and mechanics in Card Thief, which is why everyone in our forum thread for the game is anxious to get their hands on it. And the art is fantastic, too. Hopefully, we'll all get to check it out very soon.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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