Catch Pink Pokemon and New Shiny Creatures in This Year’s ‘Pokemon GO’ Valentine’s Day Event - Videogames Blogs

Catch Pink Pokemon and New Shiny Creatures in This Year’s ‘Pokemon GO’ Valentine’s Day Event

The Pokemon GO (Free) events have been a fantastic way to keep hardcore trainers occupied, all the while re-engaging long-time fans who may be overwhelmed by the fact there are simply so many damn creatures to catch. Valentine’s Day and Pokemon GO have always been a perfect fit, and just like in previous years when pink-coloured creatures flocked to your local streets and alleyways in droves, the likes of Jigglypuff, Clefairy and more will be far more common in the overworld for the next week or so. However, beyond the usual bonuses we’ve come to expect with the game’s events, there are a new batch of extremely rare Shiny Pokemon to obtain too.

Thanks to the hardworking folks at Pokemon GO Hub, the full list of Pokemon to appear during this event includes Clefairy, Hoppip, Luvdisc, Lunatone, Slowpoke, Jigglypuff, Lickitung, Exeggcute, Skitty, Snubbull and Whismur. Chansey and Porygon are also set to appear as Level 3 raid bosses, Happiny (the baby form of Chansey, for the uninitiated) is newly hatchable from 7km eggs and a new heart-based Spinda pattern is obtainable through a Special Research task. To be honest, this selection of Pokemon is a tad underwhelming, as none of the creatures that can be found in the wild are particularly rare. Porygon, objectively the coolest Pokemon in the game, would have been an awesome catch in the wild – although a reliable way to get one at all is something, at least. Twice the number of catch candy and 6-hour lure...
Source: Touch Arcade

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