Classic Australian Novel ‘Storm Boy’ Getting the Video Game Treatment this Year Courtesy of Blowfish Studios - Videogames Blogs

Classic Australian Novel ‘Storm Boy’ Getting the Video Game Treatment this Year Courtesy of Blowfish Studios

Storm Boy is an 1964 novel written by Australian author Colin Thiele that focuses on Mike, aka the titular Storm Boy, and his life living on the desolate Australian coast. Storm Boy’s father Hideaway Tom rejects the idea of modern society and despises how it has affected nature, hence why they’re living alone in the wilderness. The boy befriends an Aboriginal man named Fingerbone Bill who also lives in isolation due to being outcast from his native tribe. Storm Boy takes three orphaned pelicans into his care and nurses them into adulthood, and even after Hideaway Tom orders Storm Boy to release the birds back into the wild, one of them returns and becomes Storm Boy’s best friend. It’s an interesting premise and cast of characters, and in 1976 Storm Boy was turned into an award-winning feature film, and is even getting a modern film adaptation early next year. Now more than half a century after the novel’s release Storm Boy is also entering the world of video games thanks to Blowfish Studios.
Storm Boy: The Game will retell the classic tale using the wonderful art style you see in the trailer and by providing a level of interactivity by way of various mini-games, which will include “sand drawing, sailing, cockle hunting, playing fetch, sand surfing, pelican feeding, and more." You’ll control both Storm Boy and his best pelican friend Mr. Percival during key moments of the story, like when the duo helps rescue stranded sai...
Source: Touch Arcade

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