Classic Tower Defense Titles 'Fieldrunners' and 'Fieldrunners 2' Get iPhone X Updates - Videogames Blogs

Classic Tower Defense Titles 'Fieldrunners' and 'Fieldrunners 2' Get iPhone X Updates

Back in the VERY early days of the App Store, Subatomic Studios had one of the first breakout hits on mobile with their tower defense game Fieldrunners [$2.99]. In fact, that release pretty much sparked the tower defense game trend, and long before Angry Birds was a household name Fieldrunners was one of the games I'd always see "normies" playing on their iPhones out in the wild. It was also a pretty hardcore game for such a mainstream success, and even though we're approaching the ten(!) year anniversary of its release later this fall the original Fieldrunners is still as fun as it was the day it launched. For being such an old title, Subatomic has done a fantastic job of keeping Fieldrunners up to date with all the new iPhone hardware advancements. In September of 2012 it received a massive update featuring completely redrawn artwork to suit the high-res Retina Display, and then in May of last year it received an update to make it 64-bit compliant and add widescreen support. Now today another new update has brought full screen support for Apple's latest iPhone, the iPhone X. Yes, the original Fieldrunners is truly a classic and it warms my heart to see it continuing to live on. But let's not forget that there's a sequel, too. Fieldrunners 2 [$2.99] launched in July of 2012 and looked to expand on the original game in every way. First off, it uses full 3D graphics so there's actual depth to the characters and environments. Which leads to the second significant ch...
Source: Touch Arcade

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